Stephanie and Brittany both turned 21! Brittany took this awesome picture of Stephanie and I on her birthday that really captures our relationship:

Casey and I decided to start a fashion blog. We are still in the process of creating it but I think it will be awesome. Called Caseristy probably. Casey and my friend Emily and I went to Tucson's attempt at breaking the world's record for the largest simulatenous thriller dance in October, and unfortunately it didn't happen but it was awesome to watch nonetheless. We also bought these sixties housewife robes and are going to throw a grandma party where we will make Woo-woos after dear old Fran. I'll put in a picture of what I took that day and I want you to focus on the guy's red jacket: it looks exactly like MJ's in the Thriller video!!

That next weekend was Halloween, which was actually okay this year! I say that because normally I loathe Halloween- it's overrated and normally I end up disappointed, but I managed to have some funz. Casey and her roommates had a great party. This was the only picture I could find of me with my striped tights: a key element to the Pirate costume. It's with one of my best friends here, Beth, whom you may recall from me visiting in Orvieto last March..
My mom came the first weekend of November, and it was really great to see her. I missed her a lot more than I realized and it made me uber excited for Thanksgiving. This is a picture of us out to dinner, terrible of me but whatever.
That same weekend was also U of A's Homecoming, where I got to enjoy being 21 years old. For three years I used to go to the mall before the game and be envious of everyone drinking with their friends in hundreds of tents, but this year I finally was a part of it!

Then that Sunday was the All Souls Procession, which is a Tucson tradition. It is the culmination of a month of planning that has to do with the Mexican tradition of Day of the Dead. Basically, everyone dresses up like zombies and celebrates the life of their deceased in a two-mile parade that draws up to around 10,000 people in the parade and watching it. This really resonanted with me because so many people have died recently from all different aspects of my life and it was nice to do this in their honor. There is a big party at the end with fire-dancers, a concert, etc. It's awesome, I was so happy to do it this year as it's probably my last living in Tucson! My friend Alana threw a great potluck before and Casey, Jenny and Nick tried our hardests too look deadz.

Then this week I drove up to Phoenix on Tuesday night to see my sister Allison, as she was in from Manhattan doing market research. I hardly ever get to see her and it was my first time driving alone to Phoenix, but I made it and had some fun to boot.
Most recently, last night I saw Coco before Chanel and I want you all to watch the trailer/go out and see it; it was amazing. I just love Audrey Tautou and France.. Anyway, more realistically perhaps today I attended a presentation on international job-searching, which is of course right up my alley. I feel as though Argentina is the quite tangible, really, and I am super excited to be abroad again and gain true fluency. It's only a matter of time, mija. Other news with me includes sending out applications for different internships. So interesting..NAHT. I am SOOOO sick of school and wish the plane to NJ for Thanksgiving was taking off in two hours. I know October flew by and November has been too- I can't believe it's already the middle of the month! Really!
I'll leave you with this gem, which is probably what I spend most of my time doing. . . MAYBE. Taken again by Brittany: