Okay so I know this is supposed to be my deep and profound blog, but I had to share somethings with the world (Casey).
I found this website: http://www.kaboodle.com/. It is PERFECT for us- has wishlists, brands you like and a list you can create of things you just bought. My username is christy_campbell and please get one! It's so fun. Makes me feel okay that I am not actually SPENDING the money, just browsing browsing.
Also. Today I went to Marshall's because I was looking for something different, which I found. Behold, my new obsession: 

HELLO! These are such a good combo of space-age, modern design and slightly vintage due to the wedge? IDK. I am obsessed and so excited to rock these bad boys all the time, although moving into desert heat means no tights which means it might get a bit awks. But whatever. I know I have no money and no reason to buy boots in the summer, but here we are.
It's somewhat comforting to know that no matter how deep I get into my thoughts, some good old fashioned American consumerism can really perk me up. The only thing that works faster is the dog park.
YESSSS i loves it :) good find Christy and I believe we can rock booties any old time we want to.. and I think it is profoundly deep